The Revitalising Education Development in Sierra Leone (REDISL) Project was funded by three entities namely, the branch of the World Bank Group known as the International Development Association (IDA), the Department for International Development (DFID) and the multi-donor organization known as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), which as a partnership and a fund, GPE mobilizes investments, both external and domestic, to help governments build stronger education systems, based on data and evidence.
GPE works with close to 70 partner developing countries to help them develop and implement quality education sector plans, laying the foundation for strong education systems. The World Bank was the Supervising Entity of the project as well with the Task Team Leader Himdat Iqbal Bayusuf.
World Bank – – (1) Revitalizing Education in Sierra Leone (REDiSL) Project (US$10 million, 2017- Dec 31, 2019) supporting both preprimary and primary education with a focus on to: (i) improving the learning environment and opportunities in targeted areas, (ii) strengthening education service delivery, (iii) project management and supervision; (2) proposed Free Education Project (2020-2025, $50 million from WB and $16 million from EU, Irish Aid and DFID through a multi-donor trust fund) supporting both primary and secondary education with a focus on: (i) policy, governance, accountability, and system administration, (ii) teacher management and professional development, (iii) school level education development, (iv) program management, coordination, and monitoring and evaluation; (3) cross-sectoral linkages: (i) proposed new health project (one component will focus on adolescent pregnancy and school health); (ii) analytical work on education PFM and governance, (iii) digital diagnostic study (digital skills is one pillar); (iv) economic update with focus on investing girls education; (v) education public expenditure review.
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